
Production and Research Photos

This is a collection of images from some of Leon’s productions and his latest book on Balinese Performance.


Performance in Bali


Twelfth Night, Stratford Festival Theatre, Canada (photographer : David Hou)


Peter Pan, Hong Kong


Measure for Measure, Straford Theatre Festival, Canada (photographer : David Hou)


Henry VI Parts 1, 2 and 3, Stratford Festival Theatre, Canada


The Adventures of Pericles by William Shakespeare (adapted by Leon Rubin), Stratford Festival Theatre, Canada


Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, Stratford Festival Theatre, Canada


Fantasy of a Kingdom, Phuket Fantasea Theatre, Thailand

Large scale musical project involving a cast of 150 actors


Richard III by William Shakespeare (in Japanese), Bungaku-za Theatre Company, Tokyo, Japan

Le Dindon by George Feydeau (in Japanese), Ginza Saison Theatre, Tokyo


Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, The Acting Company, Lincoln Centre, New York and National tour, USA